A simple hug 💕 

It is so easy to point the finger in a relationship. 

He’s not paying attention to me. He’s not giving me enough effort. He’s not helping around the house enough. 

I found myself thinking these things and I felt like I was at a constant nag. Because let’s be honest .. us as women are pretty vocal about our feelings and as much as we want our men to listen we end up sounding like we are just nagging at everything they do or don’t do. 

Instead of “nagging” to him this time I tried something different. 

I looked at myself. 

Am I a perfect spouse? Hell no 

Have I been there for him? Have I payed him attention? 

Looking back I can’t remember the last time he didn’t come home from work without dark circles under his eyes. 

He works so damn hard he doesn’t even have enough time to eat when he’s working. And the minute he comes in I lay it on him about how hard my day was and how I can’t keep doing everything by myself. And we start talking bills and kids and venting to each other about how hard our jobs and day was. 

But this week I tried something different. 

I thought about the type of spouse he needs me to be at this moment. I didn’t talk bills or money when he came home .. 

I hugged him when he came home. 

Not the quick hello we always do .. but a real hello. I hugged him and when he went to turn away because of the usual quick hug I pulled him in tighter. And I felt the weight of him get heavier on me. I honestly felt him let go of all the stressors of the day. Even if it was just for those few moments his mind was at ease. 

It was like we both knew something was missing and at the moment we realized it was us that was missing. 

I asked him about his day. I payed attention to him. 

And this may seem stupid but you know what he did that day .. he cleaned up after dinner. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me as I was cooking. 

Things we use to do all the time but we let go of because we think our busy lives need to stay busy. That we don’t have time. 

These days we all are on time frames and are constantly rushing. 

But we need to let home be the place where time slows down .. even if it’s just for a moment ❤️ 

– millennial mombie 


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