Mothers anxiety 

Way back in the day B.C times (before children) I was a thrill seaker. I would be down to do anything, anywhere at anytime. 

I would go over the speed limit. If another car was driving erratic I wouldn’t try to avoid them. I’d say to myself “I dare you to hit my car.” 

Thunderstorms were my favorite! The excitement of a good storm would make my night. The unknown was thrilling and exciting for me. 

Until the day we drove home with our first born from the hospital. 

Sitting in that backseat with her in her car seat I couldn’t wait to get home safe and sound .. as slowly as possible. I pay attention to every single car on the road around me.  

Now if there is a storm I have the weather channel on the entire time and I am constantly checking outside. I cannot sleep until I know the storm has died down. 

Today I was at an amusement park with my kids and a ride I noramlly would love .. I was freaking the freak out! My oldest was on the ride with me and my anxiety was too much to handle. Being in a situation where I cannot control the safety of my children gives me so much anxiety. 

No one tells you about this anxiety that comes with having children. The saying that they are your heart walking around on legs is true. 

But I have to realize that life you cannot control every situation. You cannot keep your children in a plastic bubble. You cannot be a helicopter parent. You have to let them get on that ride. You have to let them enjoy the thrill of the storm. You have to learn to let it go. 

-millennial mombie 💕 


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